Has it been a while since I have posted on here! Geez I've been slack.
Lots has happened since I last posted. I am now 28 weeks pregnant with baby number 1 which has me in bed at ridiculous hours, like 7pm, and awake for other times (had a shower at 1am last night).
Here are some photos that I have found great inspiration in for my nursery that I am currently decorating. We are so excited to have this baby! Names are picked and ready, now it is just a waiting game to find out if its a little girl or a little boy.
We are going with a vintage Little Golden Book kind of theme for decorating the nursery which I love. Mikes doesn't really mind what it looks like - he just lets me be creative. So our base colours are white and grey and will add specific colours once baby is here. The new carpet is being laid tomorrow so I can start hanging up photo frames, buntings and put together all the furniture. YAY :D

Im also currently working on my baby shower invites (yet again going with a Little Golden Book theme). Will post them up once they are made. Im trying to decide how dedicated I want to be with them on whether I just design them on my computer or I put in a bit of work. Dunno yet. As a kid i LOVED my Little Golden Books so much that when we went shopping and I was well behaved I got rewarded with LGB instead of toys and chocolate, so I am hoping to pass on the love of reading to mini Reid.