Thursday, May 3, 2012


Introducing Maximus Peter
Born on the 18th of April weighing a tiny 3.5pounds. He was 6 weeks early.

So since having him I have had some spare time in the afternoons which i usually spend on the internet or watching TV to pass the time before we get to see him again. I've found myself reliving my childhood and remembering the things that I used to love as a kid.

Richard Scarry. I used to love watching the TV show and reading the books! My Nan had this set of books below. Its the 1974 Look and Learn set. I used to spend hours reading these. My dad read them before me. I wish she still had them, i think she got rid of them. I remember they were covered in pencil and texta, had pages ripped but I still loved them. Im going to try and find a set for Max once his older and hopefully he'll like them as much as I did.

I also really like Sock Monkeys and think they are so cute, especially the beanie for newborns. I'd really like to buy one for Max.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Wish List

I have a Wish List of things I want to buy for myself & for our little cooking baby. Here are just some of the things on this list:

Fresh Breeze Doily Curtains!
These are INCREDIBLE! Made to order on Etsy. I am extremely tempted to get some made for our bedroom! They are costly, but when they look that good...

Little Golden Book Bunting.
Every kids room needs a bunting.
Comes in a huge range of books (The Red Caboose, Cinderella, Alice in Wonderland etc)

World Map Glass Magnets.
I really enjoy looking at peoples magnets on their fridge and would really appreciate it if someone brought me really cool fridge magnets!

Little Golden Book themed pacifier clip!
Can you tell that I have a bit of a Little Golden Book theme around this baby? I LOVED my LGB as a kid and I hope my kids will love them too.

A New Macbook Cover
I really like this macbook sleeve design. I think its really cool.

So there are 5 things on my list of things I would love to buy and have if I could.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Retro Folk

Has it been a while since I have posted on here! Geez I've been slack.
Lots has happened since I last posted. I am now 28 weeks pregnant with baby number 1 which has me in bed at ridiculous hours, like 7pm, and awake for other times (had a shower at 1am last night).

Here are some photos that I have found great inspiration in for my nursery that I am currently decorating. We are so excited to have this baby! Names are picked and ready, now it is just a waiting game to find out if its a little girl or a little boy.

We are going with a vintage Little Golden Book kind of theme for decorating the nursery which I love. Mikes doesn't really mind what it looks like - he just lets me be creative. So our base colours are white and grey and will add specific colours once baby is here. The new carpet is being laid tomorrow so I can start hanging up photo frames, buntings and put together all the furniture. YAY :D

Im also currently working on my baby shower invites (yet again going with a Little Golden Book theme). Will post them up once they are made. Im trying to decide how dedicated I want to be with them on whether I just design them on my computer or I put in a bit of work. Dunno yet. As a kid i LOVED my Little Golden Books so much that when we went shopping and I was well behaved I got rewarded with LGB instead of toys and chocolate, so I am hoping to pass on the love of reading to mini Reid.